Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful =)

My title says it all.

Majority of the things a person would remember are those embarassing, sad and even frustratng moments in their lives. Most of them when given the chance to speak would rant about their hang ups, their anger, their "what if's" and "should haves" which sometimes would end up saying that life is unfair.

Everyone wants a "perfect" life, if not perfect then a happy life but the truth is, either way, one cannot deny that they've learned, they had fun and became strong from what has happened throughout their life.

Like in relationships its always always a risk.
You make a decision... and sometimes all ends well.
Sometimes, things end tragically.

and well, sometimes, things just doesn't end at all.

Either way, one things for sure.
You learned something about life, about love and about yourself.

Sometimes its not really the ending that one wants to know and to remember forever. Rather, its the journey towards the end that leaves a mark in our hearts and in our minds that says " I lived, I loved and had fun".