People in some situations tend to abide by 3 major laws created by their subconsciousness. In my own theory, Human beings in general have devised these 3 laws to save themselves from probable danger, insanity or boredom.
THE FIRST LAW - The law of getting bored and finding something to do.
This law is somewhat self explanatory but there is more to this than its literal sense. At some point, we get bored from the routinary life we have. We wake up in the morning, go to work/school, go home, sleep and so the cycle continues. But in the middle of it all, there comes a time when we devote ourselves with our hobbies, travelling and other activities that would rid ourselves of boredom. And in other times, in some certain situations, we find ways to find something to do by accident.
It may not be in the form of activities rather, its through some people who comes to your life by accident. You become friends, make each other happy and that's it. The law of getting bored and finding something to do.
THE SECOND LAW - The law of "I have no choice"
I believe that this law applies to a lot of people who gets to the lowest point of living. They lose all hope and the only way to survive from the stress and mental torture, to strive and to make things better is to tell themselves " I dont have a choice". Its either they live with that kind of situation or the do something. Some may just be contented of whatever situation they are in right now and prefers to just go with the flow. Others, wants change so they do something until they reach the point of contentment or only to find out that after all the effiorts, the go back to where they've started. The law of "I have no choice"
THE THIRD LAW - The law of finding happiness
This third law may be a continuation of the first but in some cases, this law may stand alone. The law of finding happiness. This is probably easy for some who find contentment in small things but for others, it takes years to really know what they want and what makes them happy.
In my opinion, people in pursuit of happiness tends to be selfish at times. They forget the people who helped them find the happiness they wanted. And in the end, will they still be happy knowing that the people responsible for their happiness feels the exact opposite? I think not. So the cycle continues in finding for a win win situation living fully the the law of finding happiness.
But in the end of it all, we still find ourselves going round and round, finding for solution to the inevitable truth that this is life.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Monday, January 7, 2013
I believe life is made up of 30%"iknow", 40%"idont knowyet", 20% "IwishIknew" and 10%"whatever".
Its not easy to explain nor is it to understand but at some point there would be a time when you just want to break free from all the "idontknowyet" moments of your life.
But one thing stops you , and that is FEAR.
The fear of the unknown, the fear of being rejected, humiliated, disappointed or the fear of falling.
How will you know if you wont take the risk?
Will you just forget it all and let it go to the 10% of whatever in your life?
Sometimes, some unlikely situations may come. It could be something good or something bad. But you'll never know if you wont do something to find out.
I know people may say "easier said than done".
But if this is the only way to be happy, if this is the only way to end this curiosity, to give a good explanation of what is happening.. then I'd rather risk it all.
I know people may think otherwise.. but.. what do you have to lose?
Instead of saying it in your head... shout it out
instead of drawing it in your imagination... paint it on the wall
instead of dreaming about it.... make it happen
Sure, life could be such a pain sometimes, but isn't that the thrill of it?
Isn't the 40% "idontknowyet" enough of a reason to live life a little, to take risks, TO HAVE FUN???
If not now, then when?
How do you know if you're ready?
How would you know if its the right time?
You don't believe yet you want to know if its true... isn't that enough of a reason to even try to find out what it really is?
Just like reading crazy spiritual books.. sure its surreal, but the fact that you're reading it shows that you're interested.. that you want to know more..
Now, why not take that tiny bit of curiosity and do something to finally satisfy yourself of what could happen?
nor let it go to 10%"whatever"...
Now, if my post is still not enough of an explanation for you to do something...
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