FeN's WoRld

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
3 laws to save ourselves from probable danger, insanity or boredom.
THE FIRST LAW - The law of getting bored and finding something to do.
This law is somewhat self explanatory but there is more to this than its literal sense. At some point, we get bored from the routinary life we have. We wake up in the morning, go to work/school, go home, sleep and so the cycle continues. But in the middle of it all, there comes a time when we devote ourselves with our hobbies, travelling and other activities that would rid ourselves of boredom. And in other times, in some certain situations, we find ways to find something to do by accident.
It may not be in the form of activities rather, its through some people who comes to your life by accident. You become friends, make each other happy and that's it. The law of getting bored and finding something to do.
THE SECOND LAW - The law of "I have no choice"
I believe that this law applies to a lot of people who gets to the lowest point of living. They lose all hope and the only way to survive from the stress and mental torture, to strive and to make things better is to tell themselves " I dont have a choice". Its either they live with that kind of situation or the do something. Some may just be contented of whatever situation they are in right now and prefers to just go with the flow. Others, wants change so they do something until they reach the point of contentment or only to find out that after all the effiorts, the go back to where they've started. The law of "I have no choice"
THE THIRD LAW - The law of finding happiness
This third law may be a continuation of the first but in some cases, this law may stand alone. The law of finding happiness. This is probably easy for some who find contentment in small things but for others, it takes years to really know what they want and what makes them happy.
In my opinion, people in pursuit of happiness tends to be selfish at times. They forget the people who helped them find the happiness they wanted. And in the end, will they still be happy knowing that the people responsible for their happiness feels the exact opposite? I think not. So the cycle continues in finding for a win win situation living fully the the law of finding happiness.
But in the end of it all, we still find ourselves going round and round, finding for solution to the inevitable truth that this is life.
Monday, January 7, 2013
I believe life is made up of 30%"iknow", 40%"idont knowyet", 20% "IwishIknew" and 10%"whatever".
Its not easy to explain nor is it to understand but at some point there would be a time when you just want to break free from all the "idontknowyet" moments of your life.
But one thing stops you , and that is FEAR.
The fear of the unknown, the fear of being rejected, humiliated, disappointed or the fear of falling.
How will you know if you wont take the risk?
Will you just forget it all and let it go to the 10% of whatever in your life?
Sometimes, some unlikely situations may come. It could be something good or something bad. But you'll never know if you wont do something to find out.
I know people may say "easier said than done".
But if this is the only way to be happy, if this is the only way to end this curiosity, to give a good explanation of what is happening.. then I'd rather risk it all.
I know people may think otherwise.. but.. what do you have to lose?
Instead of saying it in your head... shout it out
instead of drawing it in your imagination... paint it on the wall
instead of dreaming about it.... make it happen
Sure, life could be such a pain sometimes, but isn't that the thrill of it?
Isn't the 40% "idontknowyet" enough of a reason to live life a little, to take risks, TO HAVE FUN???
If not now, then when?
How do you know if you're ready?
How would you know if its the right time?
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
The girl that leapt through time
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
kaerimichi fuzakete aruita wake mo naku kimi wo okoraseta ironna kimi no kao wo mitakattanda | We joked around on our way home. I made you angry for no reason. I guess I just wanted to see your different sides. |
ookina hitomi ga nakisou na koe ga ima mo boku no mune wo shimetsukeru surechigau hito no naka de kimi wo oikaketa | Your large eyes, your trembling voice, Even now they are close by my heart. In the crowd of strangers, I ran after you. |
kawaranai mono sagashiteita ano hi no kimi wo wasure wa shinai toki wo koeteku omoi ga aru boku wa ima sugu kimi ni aitai | I was searching for the things that never change. I will never forget how you were on that day. These feelings I have transcend time. I just want to meet you now. |
gaitou ni burasageta omoi itsumo kimi ni watasenakatta yoru wa bokutachi wo toozakete-itta ne | These feelings upon which the street lights shine, I could never manage to let you have them. The nights brought us further away from each other. |
mienai kokoro de uso tsuita koe ga ima mo boku no mune ni hibiteiru samayou toki no naka de kimi to koi wo shita | The lie you told through your opaque heart, Even now it continues to resonate within me. Uncertain of our future, you and I fell in love. |
kawaranai mono sagashiteita ano hi mitsuketa shiranai basho e kimi wo futari de yukeru no nara boku wa nando mo umarekawareru | I was searching for the things that never change. The unfamiliar place we found on that day, If the two of us can go there together again, I will be reborn as many times as it takes. |
katachi nai mono dakishimeteta kowareru oto mo kikoenai mama kimi to aruita onaji michi ni ima mo akari wa terashi-tsudzukeru | As I embrace the things that have no shape, I fail to hear the breaking sound. On the same path that we walked together, Even now the light continues to shine. |
kawaranai mono sagashiteita ano hi no kimi wo wasure wa shinai toki wo koeteku omoi ga aru boku wa ima sugu kimi ni aitai | I was searching for the things that never change. I will never forget how you were on that day. These feelings I have transcend time. I just want to meet you now. |
boku wa ima sugu kimi ni aitai | I just want to meet you now. |
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful =)
Majority of the things a person would remember are those embarassing, sad and even frustratng moments in their lives. Most of them when given the chance to speak would rant about their hang ups, their anger, their "what if's" and "should haves" which sometimes would end up saying that life is unfair.
Everyone wants a "perfect" life, if not perfect then a happy life but the truth is, either way, one cannot deny that they've learned, they had fun and became strong from what has happened throughout their life.

Like in relationships its always always a risk.
You make a decision... and sometimes all ends well.
Sometimes, things end tragically.
and well, sometimes, things just doesn't end at all.
Either way, one things for sure.
You learned something about life, about love and about yourself.
Sometimes its not really the ending that one wants to know and to remember forever. Rather, its the journey towards the end that leaves a mark in our hearts and in our minds that says " I lived, I loved and had fun".
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Remembering you
when things remind me of you,, I cry.
When I see your name or any name related to yours,, I cry.
When even in acoustic songs,, I remember you,, I cry.
I wasn't even able to tell you how i feel.

I'd make things right,
I'll understand,
I wont forget,
I'll fight.
Before, you were really far from me,
we'd fight about our distance,
but now,you're even farther away.
I know you're happy now.
Better than before.
I used to say that if you're happy,
I'm happy too.
That smile that says everything's ok.
Your embrace that make me feel safe.
Our favorite line : "Forever and a day"
I miss you.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Good bye...
Life sometimes tend to be so unfair that we question why do these things happen?
Why do we have to lose a loved one?
Losing someone in a tragic accident. IT ISN'T FAIR.
I remember the promises, your corny jowks, your sweet words, your hugs, kisses, all your stories of childhood, heartaches, stuff with school, future plans, problems, dreams, worries, that special smile, your i love yous....everything.
Its all just a memory now.
I never thought that things would end up this way, Why do you have to go?
I remember talking to you late at night, all the funny stories.. the drama, the fights, the sweet stuff...all gone.
I never wanted to question God's will. But right now i just want to ask "WHY?"..
Why you?
Why this early?
Why through an accident?
Honestly, deep inside i'm still holding on to the promises..
To everything you said..
But now,
there's nothing to hold on to anymore..
You're gone..
I know you're in a better place now, but its still sad that you had to go..
I remember telling you that you're my strength and then you'd answer that I'm your weakness.
if only i've been stronger, if only i did everything to keep you from doing things..
You will truly be missed.
You will never be forgotten,
You will always be in our hearts.
Noel Victor Ortega Bautista.
But God loves you more.
Rest In Peace, til we meet again.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
this sucks

it sucks when the person you felt something for wasn’t really feeling the same way towards you. Yes that person may be sweet, such a gentleman and all but one thing is still lacking..
CONSISTENCY.. he may have time for you right now but tomorrow, he’ll be too busy with stuff that he’d even forget that you’re there. Or he may say things to you today but tomorrow it’s as if you’ve never talked about anything at all.
From his lack of consistency, you start to DOUBT his sincerity. Questions like “is he serious?” or “is this still a joke?” would come up to your mind.. making you twice as confused than before.
And the most painful of all,
YOU EXPECT ..that somehow, all this confusion would still result to something good.. even if you know deep inside that the odds are against you. ,, ,,even if its outright too obvious that he’s just doing this to get rid of boredom.
YOU EXPECT that maybe deep inside, he’d feel the same.
That he’d be “THE ONE”…..
even if he’s not.
But either way, what can one do??
Its more like a test of how stupid can one get..
The more one analyzes this situation, the more confused she gets..
This sucks.