Thursday, December 15, 2011

this sucks

it sucks when the person you felt something for wasn’t really feeling the same way towards you. Yes that person may be sweet, such a gentleman and all but one thing is still lacking..

CONSISTENCY.. he may have time for you right now but tomorrow, he’ll be too busy with stuff that he’d even forget that you’re there. Or he may say things to you today but tomorrow it’s as if you’ve never talked about anything at all.

From his lack of consistency, you start to DOUBT his sincerity. Questions like “is he serious?” or “is this still a joke?” would come up to your mind.. making you twice as confused than before.

And the most painful of all,

YOU EXPECT ..that somehow, all this confusion would still result to something good.. even if you know deep inside that the odds are against you. ,, ,,even if its outright too obvious that he’s just doing this to get rid of boredom.

YOU EXPECT that maybe deep inside, he’d feel the same.

That he’d be “THE ONE”…..

even if he’s not.


But either way, what can one do??

Its more like a test of how stupid can one get..

The more one analyzes this situation, the more confused she gets..

This sucks.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Would you catch a falling star?

Falling stars. These amazing streaks of light you can sometimes see in the night sky are caused by tiny bits of dust and rock called meteoroids falling into the Earth's atmosphere and burning up.

These "falling stars" may be believed as something magical that happens in the night sky and is also known commonly by people that if one sees a falling star, that person's wish will be granted.

My entry for today isn't quite the same as the traditional "falling star". Metaphorically speaking, "stars" may be symbols of people and "falling" may be the actual act of falling "for someone" or falling "in love."

Would it be too impossible for someone to fall for another person even if they're both far away?

From each other's point of view, one is just a star. Up in the sky, doing its usual twinkling, making the dark blue sky less dull. But in one unexpected situation, two stars met though they're both far from each other.

Their night becomes day and their day becomes night. Both stars would shine as bright as they could for each other. But one day, these two stars talked about something,, a topic which somehow changed everything.

One star started feeling a bit attached to the other. Hoping and always looking forward for the other's presence. The story of these two stars may be a bit unreal. I mean, how would things work out? Does the other star feel the same, or is it just another way of keeping himself from getting bored?

These questions may have come across the other star's mind. But one thing is for sure. She is happy when this star is around. And every time this happens, no other star nor the moon can out shine him in her eyes. For her, he'd be the brightest star in the heavens.

But taking all these metaphors away. Can one really know if he/she have already fallen for someone in a situation where they are both far away?

Surreal yet possible.....


if you see a star falling for you,

Would you catch it?