Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ive had better days

Once (or twice) in a while, we experience hardships and frustrating situations that we just can’t bear. Situations that can make us go uber mad or make us go insane coz even if we look at this blasted condition in whatever angle, the sad and irritatingly ironic truth that the only wretched way I’ve been avoiding is the only way to fix things.

Well today is no different from my introduction.

From being disturbed from my slumber just to ask if the shoes she’s wearing is ok… to having to clean my room bcoz those blasted shoes just made my floor dirty….okok so this isn’t quite a good way to start my day but I just let it slip away since its only 6 –ish am, and its way to early to get mad. …… I went on with my day….. lunch time came and so far so good…...

But in the afternoon, things got a bit more messed up than expected.

One problem came after another… first, some guy from work must’ve thought that Im a crazy psycho stalker so he started to back away* I sort of got an awkward feeling bout things with this guy…. Im not a psycho!!! Hmmmmppp but why do YOU have to be super nice naman kasi!!! Too long of a story to mention but lets just put it this way. He said something sweet, I replied with something sweet and then.. BOOOMMMM ………………….dead air……..…. Maybe im just over thinking things..but that’s the first thing that came to my mind.. that guy must’ve thought that im a crazy psycho stalker so he had to back away… hehe………another thing that happened, found out that im not gonna get enough money to spend for Christmas.. bcoz of a stupid memo I got from work coz of my tardiness last april..fine. fine… fine.. cant do anything about that anymore.. hmmmm third, I have this friend also from work, she’s super nice and we totally get along so well. And there’s this other girl.. well, she’s ok. One of them told the other something bad about me>>>> fast forward, I ended up having to confront both girls about this and now, im flooded by “im sorry” messages from them. ……….{yeah as if what you said was pretty easy to forget}…….* that was sarcasm by the way….Movin’ on the grand finale of this “BAD DAY” was having my things locked in a room where the key was actually with someone travelling hundreds of kilometers away.. and oh might I mention that my wallet, and other stuff is in that bag… locked in that room…. Safely protected at the bank (where I work) …and to make matters even more frustrating, tomorrow’s a national holiday.. meaning, I’d have to wait until the day after tomorrow to get my things back…


How bad can things get????

First I don’t get enough sleep, second I have to clean up the dirty floor, third some guy from work thinks that im a stalker, fourth I guess I wont be having enough doe to spend for shopping this xmas, fifth I got 2 people whom im not sure if they’re real or just PLASTIC, sixth, I went home with only my phone on my hand and my hanky on the other coz my stuff got locked up at the office which by the way is closed tomorrow coz it’s a national holiday….. SOoooo GREAT!!!!!

Quite a bad day you might think...… its times like these that one just want to go out, party so hard, drink a lot and go party some more just to forget or to run away from these frustrations…..though frustrations are inevitable, it’s a person’s way on how to go beyond the usual ranting, swearing, drinking and some other stuff people do to forget that makes a person’s day..

In my case, I got over my bad situation by just simply remembering the good things that happened this past few days and by looking ahead of what good I can do with the “bad day” that im having right now..

Coz at the end of the day, its all the same. I get to go back in my room, lay on my bed, and sleep… soon when morning comes, things that happened today is just another part of yesterday… just another day in the calendar,, nothing new, just the same old bad day….

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