Friday, June 17, 2011


why do things have to be so confusing?

I mean either way we'd know which decision to make but still our emotions just kept on pulling us away from saying what it really is. And the ugly part there is that things just started becoming more senseless, so negative.... so confusing.

site this situation for an example.

You found a slice of cake on the fridge and you really wanted to taste it BUT you've already brushed your teeth. So you get confused, would you eat it or just bear with this craving until tomorrow?. Plus you get to think so negatively, "someone might eat it before i wake up tomorrow" followed by the question " should i or should i not eat this slice of cake now?".

So you weigh things out... if you eat the cake now that you've just brushed your teeth, it would probably taste different. But if you save it for tomorrow, someone might get to eat it before you do.

Either way, part of making a decision are the consequences that one must face.

So over all, its a risk that somehow one must take.

to go this way or that, to eat eat this or not, to say this or to just shut up..... hold on or just let go......

so you realized that eating that slice of cake after brushing your teeth wouldn't be such a good idea. But when you wake up in the morning, the cake was already eaten by someone else.

In the end, things would get better,

So you go to the pastry shop and buy yourself a slice of pie.

If one is given the chance to choose, being confused is actually not the problem. Rather, its the strength that you have in you to be firm with your decision or to be true to your choice that often leads to either disappointments or to success.

To cut it short, being confused is inevitable. But if with the proper knowledge, strength to stand firm with your decision and a bunch of good and supportive friends, things would be just a piece of cake.... or a piece of pie =)

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